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Warm and friendly environment at Roch school, says report

Source: Pembrokeshire County Council News

Roch CP School provides a ‘warm and friendly environment where nearly all pupils feel safe, secure and happy’, according to the school’s latest inspection report by Estyn.

The inspectors, who visited the school in November 2015, described its current performance and prospects for improvement as ‘Good’ in their report.

A ‘good’ finding by Estyn means that the school has ‘many strengths and no important areas requiring significant improvement’.

The inspection looked at three key questions:

  1.  How good are the outcomes?
  2.  How good is provision?
  3.  How good are leadership and management?

A summary of the inspection found:

  • By the time pupils reach Year 6, most will achieve in line with their ability and many achieve high standards in literacy and numeracy.
  • Most pupils develop very good independent learning and thinking skills by the end of key stage 2.
  • The development of pupils’ oracy skills is a particular strength of the school.
  • Most pupils enjoy reading a wide range of texts for pleasure and information and achieve well.
  • Most pupils develop good numeracy skills and apply these well in work across the curriculum.
  • Nearly all pupils behave very well, are polite, and respect the views of others.
  • Teachers and learning support assistants use their knowledge and skills effectively to engage and motivate nearly all pupils.
  • Pupils with additional learning needs achieve well in line with their ability.

The school’s prospects for improvement are good because:

  • The acting headteacher shares a clear vision for an inclusive school, which puts the wellbeing and achievement of every child at its heart.
  • Senior leaders and staff work well together and understand clearly the school’s priorities for improvement.
  • The school is making good progress in meeting national priorities.
  • Performance management is effective for all staff and this is enabling the school to improve aspects of literacy and numeracy, particularly in key stage 2.
  • The governing body acts as a critical friend.

The report rated the school’s partnership working as ‘excellent’, highlighting among other initiatives, the employment of a member of staff from a local secondary school to teach weekly French enrichment lessons to Year 6 pupils.

It rated the wellbeing of pupils as ‘adequate’ as the school’s attendance has been consistently below average over recent years compared to similar schools in Wales, although it has shown a steady improvement over the last three years.

The recommendations from the Inspectors were:

  • Improve the problem-solving and Welsh skills of pupils in the Foundation Phase, particularly those who are more able.
  • Improve pupils’ ability to undertake extended writing independently across the school.
  • Raise attendance.
  • Continue to monitor the quality of teaching and learning in order to sustain and embed recent improvements.

Headteacher Carl Evans said he was very pleased with the report. He added: “We are delighted for everyone concerned with school, especially the pupils and staff.”

Cllr Sue Perkins, Cabinet Member for Education and Safeguarding, said: “This is a fantastic report and reflects really well on the whole of Roch CP School.

“As well as giving pupils an excellent learning environment, the school is also providing them with a range of interesting learning experiences through a variety of innovative approaches.”

The Estyn report on Roch CP School can be found at:

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