22-23 Safeguarding Policy Roch CP
Roch School Homework Policy
This sets out the arrangements for homework in school and reflects the schools desire for quality experiences to form the basis of homework built upon a partnership with parents. The school sees this as an opportunity to develop the key skills of thinking, communication, number and ICT as well as to foster independent work habits and to reinforce their learning at home.
Professor John Hattie’s research has shown that homework and active parental involvement has a positive effect on raising standards. Other research has shown that in order to be effective homework needs to be regular, at primary level no more than ½ hour a night and it needs to be marked or discussed.
This policy is written after questionnaire based consultation with junior pupils and their parents.
The amount of homework will gradually increase as the children move through the school, so by the end of year 6 pupils are used to regular homework which prepares them for demands of secondary school.
In addition to homework, pupils’ personal targets are shared with parents so that parents can support these outside of school as well.
Foundation Phase
•Weekly learning packs are provided which focus on simple activities eg tracing patterns, threading beads and rhyming
•Reading their reading scheme book at home. Parents of those children on the reading scheme are encouraged to listen to their child read daily and correspond with school through their child’s reading diary
•Use of the school ‘storysack library’.
•Packs provided for parents at the start of the year containing whiteboards, pens, cursive writing sheet, high frequency words etc.
•Reading library – box of library books that can be borrowed.
Coch & Oren
•Reading their reading scheme book at home. Parents are encouraged to listen to their child read daily and correspond with school through their child’s reading diary.
•The use of the school library.
•Spelling based on high frequency word list.
KS 2
Regular short pieces of homework focusing on developing and reinforcing maths and language skills, to include tables and spelling patterns. Children are sometimes asked to complete schoolwork at home that is un-finished during class time. The week before the half term break children will be given a learning log set by the class teacher which will be due in the second week after half term. These arrangements are in addition to pupil’s regular reading and Mathletics work.
Children are encouraged to use the educational on line learning platform area of Hwb to share work with their family.
Children on the accelerated literacy programme have spelling homework each night.
Children are encouraged to practise and use Welsh at home.
Homework club is available to pupils’ on a Friday after school.